Meet Theresa
Theresa is a double certified life coach – she’s a real MindSHIFT’er and a real BrainGAMEr with a specialty in Trauma Recovery. She is also a “Channel” and teaches or shares HOW TO CHANNEL with the lay person – it is a main concept housed within her Signature Programs.
Her belief is “anyone can channel” starting at about age 10. Theresa is a “little human” – just like you – learning to uncover and discover what truly makes the SOULLLL GIGGLE.
She shares a “combo platter” of HOW TO clean up the mud and muck PLUS & THEN design or create – a life you love.
You can find Theresa at also you’re invited to take her “2-Hour-Test-Drive”. WHAT - TWO HOURS? Who does that? She says, “I do!”
Listen up and it’ll make sense.
For 26 years or so Theresa has been an avid volunteer in her community – even doing a 3-year stint – every Sunday 5 pm – at a County Detention Center. Sitting in circle with youth – sharing with them – that – in this day and age – you have access to information that can change the trajectory of your life. Go get it – in the library, online, YouTube, podcast, audiobooks, etc. There are tools available that can help you design a life you can be proud of.
When the pandemic hit – Theresa took the 30 minutes it took to drive to facilities and the 30 minutes back home PLUS the hour she spent volunteering with people and in facilities and brought that “volunteer time” to her practice (her business).
Yep – that’s right – she blocks 2 hours a week – making available to those who’d like to try before they buy OR those in need that can not afford coaching. And, let me tell ya – there’s NO holding back.
Theresa gives the goods to the best of her ability and feels extraordinary, actually honored – to do so.
Today – Theresa’s work is supported by massive referrals from those who have experienced her coaching concepts personally PLUS advanced clients that keep appointments on the books, so they have access to her with very little delay.
Theresa is a double certified life coach – she’s a real MindSHIFT’er and a real BrainGAMEr with a specialty in Trauma Recovery. She is also a “Channel” and teaches or shares HOW TO CHANNEL with the lay person – it is a main concept housed within her Signature Programs.
Her belief is “anyone can channel” starting at about age 10. Theresa is a “little human” – just like you – learning to uncover and discover what truly makes the SOULLLL GIGGLE.
She shares a “combo platter” of HOW TO clean up the mud and muck PLUS & THEN design or create – a life you love.
You can find Theresa at also you’re invited to take her “2-Hour-Test-Drive”. WHAT - TWO HOURS? Who does that? She says, “I do!”
Listen up and it’ll make sense.
For 26 years or so Theresa has been an avid volunteer in her community – even doing a 3-year stint – every Sunday 5 pm – at a County Detention Center. Sitting in circle with youth – sharing with them – that – in this day and age – you have access to information that can change the trajectory of your life. Go get it – in the library, online, YouTube, podcast, audiobooks, etc. There are tools available that can help you design a life you can be proud of.
When the pandemic hit – Theresa took the 30 minutes it took to drive to facilities and the 30 minutes back home PLUS the hour she spent volunteering with people and in facilities and brought that “volunteer time” to her practice (her business).
Yep – that’s right – she blocks 2 hours a week – making available to those who’d like to try before they buy OR those in need that can not afford coaching. And, let me tell ya – there’s NO holding back.
Theresa gives the goods to the best of her ability and feels extraordinary, actually honored – to do so.
Today – Theresa’s work is supported by massive referrals from those who have experienced her coaching concepts personally PLUS advanced clients that keep appointments on the books, so they have access to her with very little delay.
I always come bearing GIFTS. There's ONE on the front page "My Greatest Gift".
And, I have 5 Things to GET STARTED playbook (read or download) or some call a the little eBook.
I love sharing and YES you are welcome to tell your friends and family - My GIFTS are meant for those who want or need them.
Always and in ALL WAYS, Theresa
And, I have 5 Things to GET STARTED playbook (read or download) or some call a the little eBook.
I love sharing and YES you are welcome to tell your friends and family - My GIFTS are meant for those who want or need them.
Always and in ALL WAYS, Theresa
Theresa as a Circle Maker
In my Community & my Community in ME
Serve. Connect. Serve
"There is GOLD in your Story(s).
As "perspective detectives" we together discover and uncover the
GOLD available to you which equals Miracles & Mojo!"
- Board of Business Advisors NWACC (Northwest Arkansas Community College 2015-June 2020 due to a move)
- Bentonville Alumni Association Board Member (2018-19)
- Graduate of the Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program Grad (99-2000)
- Founding Member & 2X Former Board Member of | WIN (Women In Networking) headed into 20th year (with a waiting list)
- Creator of Wisdom Workshop, Newcomer Receptions, NWA Supper Club,
- Creator of Fan the Flame Interviews™
- Creator of Holiday Special 2019-20
- Creator of 360TAP ™ a Masterful Signature Program dedicated to "Recovery" of little traumas and BIG traumas (it is a 'perspective detective') approach and teaching. And, is appropriate on a multitude of levels regarding what holds us back in life, business or both.
- Creator of 360TAP ™ 4 Relationships
- Creator of 360TAP ™ 4 Youth
- Founding Partner, Leader & Contributing Certified Coach with SpeakEasy Enterprise, LLC &
- Founder of
Theresa is a Dual Certified in Life and Business Coach and self-anointed "Perspective Detective"
Theresa's background includes 10 years with the late Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr. as his right-hand assistant beyond his wife. Dr. Morter is the author of 6 books, 2 for the public, a past President of two colleges, the founder & developer of the B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) Her duties included education, promotion, sales and host of seminars with 50-1000 participants including Program Director for the phenomenal program bringing in people from around the world – Health Weekend.
With this said, Theresa is equipped to support and understands the vast knowledge and information available around health and health struggles. She teaches from the concept of 7 Essentials 1) Eat 2) Drink 3) Movement 4) Rest 5) Breathe 6) Connect and 7) the MOST important THINK (believing and teaching that 95% of health challenges start with emotions or feelings around hurt and/or hardship and believes that when those challenges are reprocessed and re-positioned there's a very good chance our health will improve.
She is also a graduate of a Bank Management Program – a 2 year intensive – that included placement at the Corporate Corporate Offices. Theresa was a licensed Insurance Agent with the State of Arkansas with a specialty in Employee Benefits for small to mid-size Businesses. This is where she fell in love with the Small Business Owner and their passion within their business.
The pictures you see above are from her Community passion of connecting Newcomers to her area with Locally Owned Business - with and emphasis on PEOPLE, COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION FIRST.
Theresa does know how to behave, cross her T’s and dot her I’s – however – as an entrepreneur she let’s her SOUL lead and FLOW with the go, she's not really ever regretted a thing, loves being a Rule Breaker as long as it hurts no one and comes out every single day with
love in her heart and connection plus being of service TOP OF MIND!
And, oh how she loves this "way of life" it makes her Soul Giggle.
My furthest c